Based on the information you have provided, we have calculated the thermal stress for both the inboard and outboard lite as a percentage of the allowable thermal stress for annealed glass.


In all cases a conservative approach has been taken. It is assumed that light color, closed, non-ventilated, venetian blinds are installed. Thermally broken frames are assumed.

It is assumed that the glass will be properly installed with undamaged clean cut edges and with no unusual heat traps from insulating drapes, blinds or drop ceilings.

HVAC air vents should be directed to blow away from the glass.

Glazing Details...

Handling and Installation...

In Service Conditions...

For additional information, see the following Pilkington ATS bulletins...

Thermal Stress

Guidelines for Prevention of Thermal Stress Breakage in Annealed Glass

Thermal Stress for Pilkington Glass Combinations


* * *

This information is offered for assistance in the application of Pilkington flat glass products, but IT DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Actual ThermalStress may vary in particular applications.